Roosterteeth Panel Impression

It’s a shame that it ended so quickly

Games by Grayshadow on  Oct 10, 2014

The Roosterteeth panel was absolutely the most entertaining event I attending at Comic-Con today. Hosted by Monty Oum, Barbara Dunkelman and Kerry Shawcross each other of these amazing people brought with them incredible energy and vigor. The fans of the audience were no different, each one of them excited to see these extraordinary people represent a company that has brought countless hours of entertainment that have continued to delight fans and newcomers alike. 

Since fans were unable to watch the latest episode of RWBY the panel opened with the latest episode of the popular web-series. The hosts also decided to show a sneak peak of Chapter 11 to the audience. Without spoiling anything both episodes were outstanding, filled with intense battles and hilarious moments. The only issue was now everyone has to wait 3 weeks until the next episode.

Roosteeth,RWBY,Noobfeed,Gaming,NYC Comic-Con 2014,

After two outstanding episodes of RWBY a new guest appeared to reveal new figurines based on the characters. These handmade figurines were in development for almost a year and are set to release on November 17, the same day as the RWBY Season 2 DVD, starting with Ruby. Next month when the DVD becomes available worldwide Weiss will be releasedfollowed by Yang and Blake. While each figure will cost $150 due to the size of Ruby’s scythe the Ruby statue will be soldfor $168.

It all happened so quickly but it was time for the final part of the panel, questions and answers. A lot of the inquiries were about RWBY, whether about the voice-actors adding their own input while recording the voices or the chances of a spin-off series when the show does end. Of course the cast mixed some jokes, Barbara talking about hitting Jack Pattillo in the testicles while recording, but all the questions were answered in a way that gave the audience a new understanding of how the show is written and its future. Monty especially highlighted how the he wanted to the characters to naturally come into terms with their own identity instead of being forced because the story demanded it. While so many fans were left burning to ask their question the event had to end, but not without giving out the last of the free plush dolls and announcing that the finale of RWBY would be airing on October 30.

The Roosterteeth panel was outstanding. The RWBY episodes, following by the grand reveal of new figurines had the audience in awe. Monty Oum, Barbara Dunkeman and Kerry Shawcross were absolutely amazing, each providing their own brand of wit. It’s a shame that it ended so quickly.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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