3 Reasons You Should Buy Titanfall 2 Instead of Battlefield 1 or Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Don't overlook Titanfall 2

 by Grayshadow on  Nov 15, 2016

It's hard to argue that the top two shooter games making headlines were Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Which to get, what is better, and the disproportionate likes and dislikes on YouTube. Titanfall 2 released between these two juggernauts and despite receiving mostly positive reviews it seems that Titanfall 2 was lost among the larger releases. 

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Incredible Campaign

Titanfall 2's campaign, while short, is still an intense myriad of action and platforming. Most of the objectives in Battlefield 1 and Infinite Warfare's campaign has you collecting items and killing enemies to move to the next objective. Titanfall 2 breaks up the action for fantastic set pieces and platformer action that takes advantage of the environment. Plus the studio took the initiative to put boss battles into the game where in modern gaming, especially for shooters, is a rarity.

Yes, Battlefield 1's campaign is more of an atmospheric adventure. Teaching you the mechanics of the game before heading into multiplayer. Titanfall 2 does the same but it also delivers a solid story that builds on Respawn's universe that was previously left baron, something that Battlefield 1 doesn't do. It was gripping to see these everyman take on the impossible but in the end, their stories ended where Jack Cooper's continues. 

Infinite Warfare offers great action sequences and fun moments of intense space battles, but it's more of the same. Most of us who've been playing Call of Duty, me specifically since Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360, have experienced most of what this game has to offer. Infinite Warfare felt more like a tone-downed version of Black Ops 3's campaign. It just didn't have the flare and excitement that Titanfall 2 did, which giant aerial battles, mech fights, and, once again, great boss fights.

New Stuff All the Time

One of the most delightful things about multiplayer is the unlockables. These cosmetic and upgradable items provide the player more incentive to continue playing; covering up any vexation of playing the same maps and modes. Titanfall 2 hits the correct balance of unlockables, providing players with more reasons to keep playing with a constant stream of unlockables. At times I was surprised, not knowing I unlocked something new such as a brand new skin for my Titan or a new weapon attachment.

Battlefield 1 has a moderate amount of unlockables but from level 4 to level 10 barely anything is available. Guns are limited to variants of existing guns and unlocking other items can take a lot of time. Playing on the large diverse maps is still thrilling but I was annoyed how many more matches I would have to play just to unlock the next upgrade.

Infinite Warfare's unlockable system is just as robust as Black Ops 3 and Advance Warfare. New guns, perks, and cosmetic items were alluring. Each match didn't feel like a grind for the next upgrade.The issue became that it was the same game I played, without any major refinements to make it feel refreshing. Almost like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.5.

No Season Pass

Respawn Entertainment took Naughty Dog's plan to prevent fragmentation of the multiplayer to another level, by providing all post-launch multiplayer DLC for free. The reason being that EA wants to ensure gamers are happy, and thereby encourage them to trust their investment when purchasing Titanfall 2. This is a massive leap forward, especially considering that both Battlefield 1's Premium Pass and Infinite Warfare Season Pass cost $49.99.

Granted these three games all have distinct gameplay features and different styles of competitive arenas. However, I would argue that supporting Respawn Entertainment you also support their effort to give additional content for free. Vote with your wallets.

What do you think, did I convince you to purchase Titanfall 2 or do you believe my argument is flawed? Let me now in the comments below!

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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