Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World All Graffiti Locations

Find all the Graffiti locations for Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2

 by Grayshadow on  Oct 20, 2017

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World explores the relationship between Chloe and her mother, David, and Ratchel. However, between all the drama Chloe can tag specific locations with unique pieces of art and we have all the locations. 

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World,Deck Nine,Square Enix,

Parking Lot - 1

From the starting point head right towards the Stage Truck. On the side closest to the wall, there are some lights. This is you tag location.

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World,Deck Nine,Square Enix,

Junkyard - 2

There are 2 locations in this section of episode 2. The first is on the boat, to get on it simply use the wood palette on the left of the boat after attempting to climb it. Once on top on the left side is the hood, tag it. The second is inside the trunk after suiting it up with everything you can tag the back mirror.

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World,Deck Nine,Square Enix,

Junkyard - Later

After talking to Rachel you have the chance to fix up your Junkyard hangout. On the right wall is a blank area for another tag. 

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World,Deck Nine,Square Enix,

Frank's RV - 1

When inside head to the kitchen counter. On it, there's a list and your tag location.

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World,Deck Nine,Square Enix,

Dormitories - 2

The first location in front of you. The wet cement with the yellow tape. Walk on the side with the grass and tag the location. The next one is located next to Samuel. To get him out of the room head to where Evan is located. Scare the bird towards the Totem poll by point Chloe towards its direction. Once the bird is on the Totem pole break the sprinkler and Samuel will walk off. Next tag the white door inside the maintenance shed. 

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World,Deck Nine,Square Enix,

Boy's Dormitories - 1

To access the tag location head into Elliot's dorm, it's the first accessible door on the right from the starting point. When inside head to the computer and look inside the door, read the journal full of poems about Chloe. Head outside and the tag location will open up, it's the dry erase board.

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World,Deck Nine,Square Enix,

Campus - Backstage - 1

When you dawn the costume on the second mirror from the left is another tag location.

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World,Deck Nine,Square Enix,

Amber House - 1

To access the tag location, which is the newspaper article on the refrigerator, you must first fix the table. Once completed Rose will head towards the sink, that's your chance to tag the article.

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Adam Siddiqui

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