The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - Case 1 The Forest of Traps

On the lookout for traps

 by Grayshadow on  Jan 15, 2018

Right out of the tunnel The Vanishing of Ethan Carter presents a puzzle for player's to solve, but a lot of players might miss it on the first playthrough. Luckily we're here to help. Here's where all the traps are located.

There are 5 traps in total, each has to be sensed. When you exit the tunnel head left towards 2 trees and a small one in the middle, a small hole will be exposed. The next trap is directly ahead, a bear trap. From the bear trap make a right and head forward to a small tree leaning towards the track for the next trap. Head back towards the tunnel and lean onto the rock wall till you see an opening, this will trigger the next trap. Head into the gap and on the right is the final trap.

Once all are triggered hold sense on one of the traps to trigger the cutscene.

Unfinished Story
Railcar Murder
The Witch's House
Fake Interiors
Graveyard Murder
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Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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