The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - Case 7 Murder in the Mines
Another one of Ethan's family is gone
by Grayshadow on Jan 15, 2018
You've made it to the mine. Heading deeper inside you discover another body, this time of Ethan's mother Missy.
Once inside investigate the pickaxe rack to learn its location. Next head to the panel at the far end of the room and bring up the cage. After heading into the tunnel across from the one you entered and hang a right, there should be a railcar. Hop in, pull back, then ram the rocks in front of you. Keep going until you see the pickaxe lodged into the circuit breaker. Hop out, grab the pickaxe, and return it to the rack. Sense the body to begin the vision.
The sequence goes:
1. Missy and Dale enter the mine
2. Dale speaks to Missy inside the cage
3. Dale uses control panel
4. Dale picks up pickaxe
5. Dale leaving tunnel
Unfinished Story
The Forest of Traps
Railcar Murder
The Witch's House
Fake Interiors
Graveyard Murder
Mine Gate Maze
Murder at the Dam
The Vandergriff House
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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