God of War - All Niflheim and Muspelheim Ciphers Locations Guide
Where to find all the ciphers
by Grayshadow on Apr 24, 2018
God of War is full of secrets but some are locked away behind hidden ciphers. The end-game areas called Niflheim and Musepelheim are only unlocked when you find the hidden ciphers within the world. Here's where they're located.
1. The Mountain
When heading up the area in the image above hug the left wall till you see a marking indicating you can head down. Do so and you'll find the chest on the left side.
2. Lookout Tower
After the lake has been drained, allowing for exploration, head to the Lake of Nine and on the right side of the bridge towards the end is a shoreline. Head to shore and follow the path to an opening into the mountain to find another chest.
3. Ruins of the Ancient
In the same lake head to the upper left-hand corner. You'll find a set of collapsed ruins, hope over the overturned horizontal column to find the next chest.
4. Shores of the Nine
Head to the upper right hand of the Lake of Nine by the 2 golden statues. On the right side is a shoreline. Head up towards the disturbed portal and on top of the ledge between the golden-black rocks are explosives sap. Destroy it using Atreus electric arrows to find the chest.
1. The River Pass
In the passage beneath Freya's home on the right side of the elevator is explosives sap. Break it, head inside, and turn right. By the Hel Powered Orb is the chest.
2. The Mountain
This one is hard to miss since you'll encounter it after clearing out the black smoke that bars your path.
3. Cliffs of the Raven
Located in the Lake of Nine this chest is found on the left side of the bridge. Head to the location above, it has a locked runic chest, towards the back of the area. Here you'll find a wide open area and on the right side, pointing towards the lake, a small wooden gate leading into a hole. Smash it and have Atreus climb inside to lower the chain. The chest is inside.
4. Forgotten Caverns
Located directly across the Biforst is this large tower another dragon. Head on the shoreline. When inside you'll find a climbable wall, head up and follow the path. When you cross the gap and climb the ledge make a left and climb up to find the final chest.
Also check God of War PlayStation 4 Pro Review and God of War Digital Deluxe Edition Review.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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