Antichamber gets Indie Funded

News by C_rake on  Apr 03, 2012

After helping fellow indie developers Toxic Games and thechineseroom finish Q.U.B.E and Dear Esther, respectively, the Indie Fund folks have announced the seventh project to receive their backing: Antichamber.


Conceived by the mind of one Alex Bruce, Antichamber is a mind-bending first-person puzzle game with an intriguing aesthetic, and rather trippy color palette, revolving around physics minipulation. The game has been in development for some time, beginning in 2006 as a casual endevor before scaling to a full-time project in 2010. It was previously known as Hazard: The Journey of Life before being renamed to Antichamber in July of 2011.

It has been awarded numerous accolades from many indie game events, such as "Technical Excellence" at the Independent Games Festival, and the grand prize in the Make Something Unreal contest.

The game is currently slated for release sometime this year on PC and Mac.

Callum Rakestraw, NoobFeed.

Callum Rakestraw

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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