Games, Games, Games! More Titles Greenlit
Between Me and the Night, Catlateral Damage and I Want To Be Human included in this batch of Greenlit titles.
News by XboxBetty on Jan 22, 2014
Since the launch of Steam Greenlight in 2012, here at NoobFeed we've been keeping our eyes on the games that have advanced through the program and entered the coveted category of Greenlit. As of today, 467 titles have been Greenlit and 177 titles have been released.
With the most recent batch of titles Greenlit on January 21, fifty more titles will now be available through Steam in the foreseeable future. Of the fifty titles, a few noteworthy ones include Between Me and the Night, Catlateral Damage and I Want To Be Human. As is custom, see a brief description of the games below.
Between Me and the Night is a point-and-click adventure game that centers on duality, especially that of day vs. night. During the day players explore a house and gain skills that will help when running from the unexpectedness of the night. I Want To Be Human, on the other hand, is a bit more hectic. A platformer with a lot of gore, I Want To Be Human sees a robot collecting organs and dismembering limbs. Unlike organs, cats are usually cute. Catlateral Damage is a cat simulator where the players goal is to knock as many of your humans possessions on the ground, go cats!
That's only three of the fifty titles Greenlit this week. With Valve possibly in talks of making "Greenlight go away," now is better than ever to show your support to these developers. Continue voting and see the entire list of the January 21 batch of Greenlit games here.
Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty), NoobFeed.
Subscriber, NoobFeed
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