Dragon Age: Inquisition Delayed

Dragon Age: Inquisition releasing in November instead of October

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 23, 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisition will release on November 18 in North America instead of October 7 and November 21 in Europe. Executive Producer Mar Darrah released a public letter stating that the delay was necessary to ensure the best possible experience.

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“We appreciate the enormous support we’ve received from all of you to get to this point, and while this extra few weeks may not seem like a lot, I know the game you’ll play be all the better for it” Darrah says.

“Im privileged to be a part of a team that has been working very hard to surpass every measure they’ve set for themselves. That has meant completing huge amounts of game content, fixing bugs both big and small, and improving that overall experience. This last bit go time is about polishing the experience we want you to se. Ensuring that our open spaces are engaging as possible. Strengthening the emotional impact of the Hero’s choices. And ensuring that experience you get is the best it can be in the platform you choose to play on.”

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Dragon Age: Inquisition joins Battlefield Hardline on the list of delays announced today, releasing sometime in 2015 instead of October 21, 2014.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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