Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens! Announced

New mobile game announced based on the staff at Rooster Teeth

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 27, 2014

If you love Rooster Teeth and killing zombies than you’re going to love the brand new mobile game releasing this Thanksgiving. In conjunction with Team Chaos Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens! is an “action strategy survival game” plan for release on iOS platforms followed by others. 

Right now details are limited but the description states that up to 8 different characters based on the RT staff. 

Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens!,Rooster Teeth Productions,Achievement Hunter,Slow Mo Guys,Team Chaos,Noobfeed,Burnie Burns,

Rooster Teeth Productions is a production studio founded by Burnie Burns that specializes in the creation of machinima and live action shorts. The company is best known for the award-winning comedic science-fiction series, based in the Halo universe, Red vs. Blue that début in 2003. Since then the company has branched into creating live-action shorts, a comedy and game guides branch called Achievement Hunter, video game development, and full animated productions such as RWBY, Nature Town, and Animated Adventures. The company also airs a multi-podcast network, and one of the largest multi-channel on Youtube. 

In 2014 Rooster Teeth launched it’s crowd funding campaign for their first feature film, Lazer Team. Collecting over $2.4 million in donations Lazer Team holds the record for the highest funded film campaign on Indiegogo and is due to release in Spring 2015. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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