Mighty No. 9 Delay Mocked By Competitor 20XX On Steam

20XX is throwing up shade.

News by Daavpuke on  Aug 06, 2015

Developer Keiji Inafune and Comcept are experiencing backlash after announcing Mighty No. 9’s delay to 2016. Competitors like 20XX are now capitalizing on Mighty No. 9’s failings, by announcing their Mega Man-inspired game enters its next development phase soon, uninhibited. A gameplay commentary goes into detail on the news, as well as showing off the game to see if such a candid attitude is warranted:

A timely press release sent today announced the Beta transition of 20XX on Steam through Early Access on September 15, cheekily stating:

Never fear, Mega Man fans will still be able to get their fix!

This was repeated by developer Chris "CK" King tweeting the following message:

after a year in alpha and another year in something worse, #20XX dashes into beta on sept 15! come on in from the cold, #mightyno9 fans.

— ck @ batterystaple (@batterystaple_g) August 6, 2015

There is certainly a slight Mega Man ambience to 20XX, though the side-scrolling platform game is by all means a modern adaptation. For instance, controls are less fixed and visuals are drawn, instead of the usual pixel art. Bosses work similarly to Mega Man, where a contained, rectangular space pits an overwhelming enemy against the player character. Another difference is that levels in this Early Access project are procedurally generated, offering different challenges in consecutive playthroughs, which come with a roguelike model. Dying once resets the run, which also removes any of the items collected during that playthrough. With over a hundred things to collect, it’s possible to have a bunch of different experiences with this platform game.

20XX,Mighty NO. 9

Another interesting tidbit about 20XX is that its developer makes use of the Fire Hose Games accelerator program. Fire Hose Games previously made titles like Slam Bolt Scrappers, before moving to a support network for struggling indie developers. This program allows people to work in a space provided by Fire Hose Games, as well as giving access to a wage, production advice and more. Essentially, anything that isn’t game development is taken off the shoulders of the struggling developer, so that they can concentrate on getting their project ready.

Currently, 20XX is available on Steam for €11.99.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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