April's Games with Gold Revealed

Get The Wolf Among Us and Sunset Overdrive for free this April through Games with Gold

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 25, 2016

The next wave of free games through Microsoft’s Games with Gold programs has been revealed.

Games with Gold,Noobfeed,Microsoft,April 2016,

Gamers can pick up The Wolf Among Us this entire month for free, with Insomniac’s Sunset Overdrive being made available on April 15.  Xbox 360 owners can grab Dead Space starting this April until the 15th and Saints Row 4 on April 16 until the end of the month.

Gamers have until the end of the month to pick up Lords of the Fallen and Borderlands before they return to their original price.

Like every month gamers can pick up 2 new free games for Xbox One and Xbox 360 through the Games with Gold program, provided that they have an active Xbox Live Gold account. 

Both Dead Space and Saints Row 4 are available to play on Xbox One through the system's backwards compatibility feature. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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