Games with Gold for May Leaked?

New image reveals May's Games with Gold lineup

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 26, 2016

Earlier today Sony’s next set of free PlayStation Plus games were rumored to have leaked, now Microsoft’s Games with Gold may have followed. 

Games with Gold,NoobFeed,May 2016,

The blurred image shows Defense Grid 2, The Wolf Among Us, and Sunset Overdrive for Xbox One. Saints Row IV is show as the Xbox 360 title made available for free.

This of course hasn’t been confirmed by Microsoft as of yet. Seeing that this is the final week of April we can expect the grand reveal this week. 

Seeing The Wolf Among Us return on the list is upsetting, although it’s a fantastic game. Do you believe that another game should’ve been added on the list instead of one of these games? Tell us in the comments below.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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