PlayStation Plus for August 2016 Focuses on Puzzles and Space Combat
Journey into space or solve complicated puzzles in PlayStation Plus' August 2016 Line-up
News by Grayshadow on Jul 28, 2016
This marks the final week of July, that means a fresh stock of free games are coming to the PlayStation Plus network for members to download.
Starting August 1st PS Plus members can download the following games:
Tricky Towers, PS4
Rebel Galaxy, PS4
Yakuza 5, PS3
Retro/Grade, PS3
Patapon 3, PS Vita
Ultratron, PS Vita, PS3, PS4
This also means that you have one more week to download July's free games. Here's the list of free games available in for this final week of July:
Furi, PS4
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, PS4
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, PS3
Fat Princess, PS3
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines, PS Vita
Prince of Persia: Revelation, PS Vita
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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