Titanfall 2 Tech Test Won't Come to PC Due to Compatibility Issues and Data Miners
Maybe next time!
News by Grayshadow on Aug 16, 2016
Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that its upcoming tech test will only be available on Xbox One and PS4.
In a blog post CEO Vince Zampella explained that the game hasn't been put through the 'hardware compatibility lab yet'.
"Quite frankly, we aren't ready to deal with that yet, we are still making the game better. We also haven't done enough work to fully support our 'Min Spec' on PC yet. So, currently the PC game isn’t as easy to throw out for testing as the console is, because of the additional variables and configurations that we need to support."
Zampella also explained that data miners could potentially leak vital information regarding the single-player campaign. Seeing that this is Respawn Entertainment's first single-player campaign they would want to keep information from being leaked.
"Our wonderfully curious PC players have proven in the past that they will dig out anything they can, and there's a risk that they could spoil some of our single player."
Titanfall 2 will launch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC October 28th.
Source: Titanfall blog
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