Titanfall 2's Technical Test Starts August 19th
Get ready for your first taste of Titanfall 2
News by Grayshadow on Aug 16, 2016
As hinted at Vince Zampella's latest tweet the Titanfall 2 technical test will begin this week. It'll be separated into two testing periods, the first one starting this weekend and the second next weekend.
The first test will begin Friday, August 19th and last until Sunday, August 21st. Another open techincal test will begin Friday, August 26th and end Sunday, August 28th. This is only for console players due to fear of leaked information from data miners and compatibility issues on PC. In addition don't expect any AI opponents, the entire test will be composed of Pilot only modes.
The test will only include the multiplayer portion of Titanfall 2. The primary goal of this test is to determine the stability of the Titanfall 2 servers.
Will you be joining the test? Let us know in the comments below!
Titanfall 2 will launch on October 20th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Source: Youtube
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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