Sony Raising the Price of PlayStation Plus

Get ready to pay more for PlayStation Plus

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 22, 2016

Sony has confirmed that monthly and yearly subscription prices for PlayStation Plus will increase in both US and Canda.

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Revealed today Sony stated that the yearly price for US PlayStation Plus subscriptions will now be $60 instead of $50 and $25 instead of $18 for 3 months. In Canada the price will increase to $70 CAD instead of 50 CAD and $18 CAD to $30 CAD for 3 months.

The monthly plan will only increase in Canada from $10 CAD to $12 CAD.

These new prices will go into effect on September 22nd. Best thing to do right now is to renew your subscription right now with the original prices.

Click here for the free games for PlayStation Plus this month.

Source: Sony Blog

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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