Russia's Free-to-Play Halo Online Cancelled

Well, guess Halo isn't going free-to-play worldwide

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 27, 2016

The free-to-play Halo game that was exclusive to Russia has been canceled.

Halo Online,NoobFeed,Microsoft,

Halo Online was a PC-only free-to-play multiplayer Halo game released in Russia as an early access title. The servers were taken offline last December but now the game's social media channels have officially closed.

“Over the past six months, our colleagues from Microsoft and failed to take decisions on the future of the project. Now we know only one thing – the current form of the game will not be released,” Fogeyma said, as translated by Google.

Refunds for the game's microtransactions will be offered until August 30th through the company's website.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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