EA Premium Members Will Get 10 Hours Early Access to Battlefield 1's Multiplayer and Single-Player

Paid for Origin or EA Access, get early access to Battlefield 1

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 24, 2016

Battlefield 1 is coming soon and those unwilling to pay for the Early Enlister Deluxe Edition can start playing early using EA Access or Origin Access.

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The Play First Trial will begin on October 13th and give members of EA's premium service 10 hours of play. All progress will carry over.

Players will gain access to 5 maps in Conquest, Rush, Operations, and Domination:

St. Quentin Scar
Sinai Desert
Fao Fortress

Players will also get a taste of the single-player campaign with missions Storm of Steel and Through Mud and Blood.

"EA Access and Origin Access members will also unlock content by playing between October 13 and October 20. You'll be able to get an exclusive Trench Raider Dog Tag just for launching the game with the Play First Trial during that time – and if you play all ten hours before October 20, you’ll have a Battlepack waiting for you in the full game."

After the release of the Early Enlister Deluxe Edition all everything else will be unlocked.

Battlefield 1 launches on October 21st for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Early Enlister gain access on October 18th. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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