Games with Gold November 2016 Brings Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Murdered: Soul Suspect, and much more

Another month done, that means new free games

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 25, 2016

November starts next week and with it a brand new set of free games for Xbox Gold members.

Xbox Games with Gold,November 2016,NoobFeed,

Super Dungeon Bros: November 1-30 on Xbox One

Murdered: Soul Suspect: November 16- December 15 on Xbox One

Monkey Island: SE: November 1-15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: November 16-30 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One

What do you think of this month's Games with Gold? Let us know in the comments below. Remember, you have until this Sunday to download October's Games with Gold.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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