No Man's Sky was a 'Mistake'!?

Hello Games tweet basically just doomed No Man's Sky

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 28, 2016

Since release, No Man's Sky has been under a lot of criticism for failing to deliver the enticing project that was promised during its marketing campaign. Now a tweet from the official Hello Games Twitter account stated that the game was a 'mistake'.

No Man's Sky was a mistake tweet,Hello Games,No Man's Sky,

Many would assume that this was the act of a hacker who got hold of the Hello Games Twitter account and decided to voice their own opinion of the game, however, that's not the case. Forbes inquired about the tweet and confirmed it came from an employee from Hello Games, Sean Murray.

Confirmed by Polygon Sean Murray send out the tweet stating Hello Games has "not been coping well."

No Man's Sky was a mistake.

I have contacted you because the silence from Hello Games has been unwarranted and unprofessional. The community has asked me to speak up, and I have a confession to make. The game was simply unfinished upon arrival. Our hand was forced by not only Sony, but the community as well. The constant harassment and absolute gross misconduct on the community's part has made it hard to fulfill our artistic vision, while the pressure from Sony to release the game as soon as possible forced us to cut key features. I want to apologize for what we did not deliver on, as the game does not meet up to what our artistic vision was.

However, we do wish that the community was more understanding of our situation. Many people have asked for refunds despite our promise to continually improve and update No Man's Sky. We are just a small studio that has poured our blood, sweat, and tears into this project. The complete lack of respect when it comes to the work we have done absolutely saddens not only myself, but the team as well. We want to improve the game to the point we dreamed of it being and beyond.

I hope everyone affected understands,

Sean Murray

After being delayed No Man's Sky developer, Sean Murray, received multiple death threats after the game was delayed to 2016. After released the game faced numerous criticism such as failure to deliver content promised during the marketing campaign and being investigated by the Uk Advertising Standards Authority despite being one of the PS4's biggest launch titles.

No Man's Sky is now available on PS4 and PC. 

Source: Forbes Polygon

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Adam Siddiqui

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