No Man's Sky Developer Breaks Silence, Announces Base-Bulding Update

Better late than never, new No Man's Sky content on the way

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 26, 2016

After a rocky launch and months of silence Hello Games has finally broken their silence and revealed something called the "Foundation update".

No Man's Sky,Hello Games,NoobFeed,

"Coming from five years of intense development, immediately after No Man’s Sky released the team spent six weeks updating the game with 7 patches across both platforms (the last of these was 1.09 on Sept 24th which you can read about them all here These fixed many of the most common or critical bugs and issues post-release," Hello Games wrote. "In the nine weeks since then our small team has been hard at work on development, testing and certification for the Foundation Update. It won’t be our biggest update, but it is the start of something."

Since No Man's Sky released Hello Games and studio head Sean Murray faced massive criticism, many claiming that the final product failed to meet expectations. One of the biggest backlash coming from Hello Games on Twitter stating that the game was a 'mistake'.

No Man's Sky now available for PS4 and PC. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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