Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition Announced

Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition comes out this year will all the DLC released

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 05, 2017

Today on Twitter Guerrilla Games announced that Horizon Zero Dawn would be getting a new version called Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition.

Horizon Zero Dawn,Complete Edition,NoobFeed,

As the name states, this version of the game will include all previously released DLC and the upcoming The Frozen Wilds expansion on December 5th for $49.99. This is a steal for anyone who owns a PS4 and hasn't played this extraordinary game!

Horizon Zero Dawn released back in February 2017 to massive acclaim. The amazing third-person combat and exploration floor gamers and critics and the fantastic story kept players hooked to the very end. 

The plot focuses on Aloy, an outcast hunter and archer living in a world overrun by robots. Using ranged weapons and a spear and stealth tactics to combat the mechanised creatures, whose remains can be looted for resources. A skill tree provides the player with new abilities and passive bonuses. The game features an open world environment for Aloy to explore, divided into tribes that hold side quests to undertake, while the main story guides her across the entire map.

Horizon Zero Dawn is now available for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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