Starcraft II Goes Free-to-Play this Month

StarCraft II Moving to Free-to-Play Structure Later in November

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 05, 2017

Starcraft II is going free-to-play on November 14th which those who already own a purchased copy getting some free DLC.

Starcraft 2,noobfeed,Blizzard,free to play,

Those who already purchased StarCraft II or any of its expansions by October 31st will receive a special Ghost skin and three new portraits as “a small thank-you” to fans that have supported the games. Those who previously purchased just the Wings of Liberty campaign will be able to receive a free copy of the Heart of the Swarm expansion by logging into between November 8th through December 8th, 2017.

Blizzard confirmed that all cooperative Commander and the Wings of Liberty expansion will be available for free. This doesn't include the Heart of the Swarm, Nova Covert Ops, and Legacy of the Void which will be available for purchase for either $39.99 or $14.99 separately.

Blizzard will continue to provide other premium upgrades and content, such as announce packs, skins, and new Co-op Commander missions for players to expand on what is available to players that want to take the experience further.

Starcraft II is now available for PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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