EA Removes In-Game Purchases from Star Wars Battlefront II After Massive Backlash
No more in-game purchases for Star Wars Battlefront II, for now
News by Grayshadow on Nov 17, 2017
Looks like all the negative feedback from Star Wars Battlefront II has caused EA to change their minds on the microtransaction system. Today the company announced that they will be removing the ability to purchase in-game crystals after it has been rebalanced.
This means that the microtransaction system will return but after it's been modified. For now, everything has to be earned in-game, which is refreshing considering the old system encouraged players to purchase crystals to obtain many of the locked items and heroes. Perhaps this was a response from the communities massive backlash or the investigation by the Belgium gambling authority.
We recently reviewed Star Wars Battlefront II and gave it a 65/100, stating "It's unsettling, the first Star Wars Battlefront launched with a myriad of criticisms and while they're mostly solved here the microtransaction system strips away the urge to earn new items. I was excited to start playing on the huge maps, earning different items on my way through the ranks, and customizing my characters until I realized that someone else could just pay their way through the grinding." Until the new updated system is released we cannot judge whether it has improved or not.
Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) launches on November 17 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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