Electronic Arts Backed Off Battlefront II Microtransactions After Disney Intervention
Disney's intervention lead to EA backing off with Battlefront II's microtransaction
News by Grayshadow on Nov 20, 2017
Many thought that it was the public backlash that led to EA pulling Battlefront II's microtransaction but it seems it was Disney.
According to an article written by the Wall Street Journal reporter Ben Fritz clarifies that Disney's head of consumer products and interactive media, Jimmy Pataro, sent a letter to EA outlining Disney and chief executive officer Bob Iger's concerns with how EA handled the game. After launching through EA Access, Origin Access, and the Elite Trooper Edition critics and gamers became outraged from the game's microtransaction system and now the game is under investigation for gambling.
EA announced that they would be pulling the system for refinement but many cite that the damage was already done. The progression system remains the same, requiring hundreds of hours to unlock characters and Star Cards vital to bettering one's performance.
Star Wars Battlefront II is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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