Mechassault Didn't Continue Due To Poor Sales
Mechassault sales were poor, causing the cancellation of the franchise
News by Grayshadow on Dec 20, 2017
Back in the early days of Xbox Live the 2 games that heavily populated the online server were Crisom Skies and Mechassault. However, the large robot fighting game never saw another release after Mechassault 2 and it was confirmed through IGN Unfiltered that it was because of poor sales.
When speaking to IGN's Ryan McCaffrey former FASA Studio head Mitch Gitelman explained that Microsoft set a sales bar for the game and if it didn't meet that expectation it was done. Gitelman stated that he didn't agree with this, and still doesn't. Considering the lack of exclusives on the Xbox One perhaps it's time for Microsoft to bring back Mechassault.
As we've seen with Rainbow Six Siege, despite its slow start, Ubisoft was able to dramatically grow the community base over time with a steady release of content. More games like Overwatch and Final Fantasy XV has done the same by providing content way past the game's release and keeping gamers engaged.
Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf was the last game to be released back in 2004 for the Xbox.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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