Another God of War Release Leak Says March
God of War coming this March?
News by Grayshadow on Jan 14, 2018
It's been a big month for God of War, with new information regarding the game's campaign but still no release date. The game is still slated for Early 2018 release but according to a Portuguese retailer, the game is coming March 22.
The date also corresponds to a previously leaked release date on the PlayStation Store back in December. It's also the same date that the original God of War on the PS2 released 13 years ago. Since God of War PS4 serves as not only a sequel but a reboot of the entire franchise releasing the game on the same day as the original would make sense.
As of now, Santa Monica has been very careful in what information they revealed. With the speculated release date remaining the same it's likely we'll get a confirmation by February the latest if the March 22nd rumors are true.
God of War is in development for PS4.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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