God of War Getting A Collector's Edition

A special edition version of God of War revealed

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 17, 2018

God of War may not have an exact release date but rumors about its reveal have been spreading. Now a Collector's Edition of the game has been revealed, meaning the release date shouldn't be far off.

God of War,Stone Mason Edition,NoobFeed,

Called Stone Mason Edition, this God of War special edition comes with:

A copy of God of War
Steelbook case
9'' statue of Kratos and his son Atreus
2'' small carvings of other characters
Cloth map

Digital contents include:

Several in-game shields
Armor set
Dynamic PS4 Theme
Digital comic and artwork from Dark Horse Comics

The Stone Mason Edition will retail for $149.99.

God of War is currently slated to release in early 2018 for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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