BioWare Job Listing Confirms Anthem Will Vanguard Games As A Service

Games as a service starting with Anthem

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 22, 2018

BioWare is looking for a Live Service Executive Producer for its upcoming new IP Anthem and details regarding the position states that Anthem will be around for years and help build EA's game service.


The main job listing includes designing new events to keep players engaged, new content to keep gamers playing, and a supposed 10-year plan for Anthem.

“[Ensure] that the game design, systems, and economies of our games are built to maintain player engagement and our business for years of successful live game service,”

This further solidifies that EA is attempting to compete with Activision's Destiny franchise. It also confirms that EA is using Anthem to launch their new business strategy of providing games as a service, with annual content releases. Showing that EA is committed to making Anthem a successful franchise.

Anthem made its debut at E3 2017 with BioWare showing off some gameplay footage for the upcoming title. Since then it has been confirmed that Anthem will feature dynamic adventures and cooperative gameplay with up to 4 players.

Anthem is in development for Xbox One, PS4, and PC and set to release in Fall 2018.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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