Ubisoft Details Bans for Toxic Players in Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft is hunting down toxic players in Rainbow Six Siege

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 05, 2018

Rainbow Six Siege has 20 million registered players and is a competitive shooter that requires communicating and teamwork. No doubt you're going to run into players who trash-talk and arguments boil down a pepper spray of vulgar terms being shouted at you. However, Ubisoft is drawing a plan to combat this issue for a better playing experience.

Rainbow Six Siege,NoobFeed,Ubisoft,

Following Blizzard's footsteps, the community developer for Rainbow Six Siege, Craig Robinson, posted on Reddit how Ubisoft is fighting toxicity within the game.

The post states players will be banned for using "racial and homophobic slurs, or hate speech, in the game" with a penalty of 2 days, 7 days, 15 days, or permanent ban depending on the severity and frequency of their actions. All bans will be tracked, with bans being handed out case-by-case. 

“Any language or content deemed illegal, dangerous, threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, defamatory, hateful, racist, sexist, ethically offensive or constituting harassment is forbidden.”

Robinson reinforced the new guidelines on a post on Twitter:

It's mind blowing how people are FURIOUS there are consequences for using racial and homophobic slurs in Rainbow. "I have to turn off chat because I'm afraid I'll be banned now." What the hell? You literally CAN'T STOP YOURSELF from using racial slurs? Good. Turn it off. Bye.

What asked about the possibility of muting toxic players completely by a Twitter user Robinson said they're working on that as well.

In addition, Ubisoft does have their first year 3 DLC, Operation Chimera, coming out in a few days. With this system perhaps newcomers won't be discouraged to try the game without fear of being harassed for being new to the game. 

Rainbow Six Siege is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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