New Videos Showcase God of War Gameplay and Combat

Expect something different from God of War's combat

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 19, 2018

Recently, Sony released a beautiful CG trailer for God of War but now new videos showcasing the gameplay and combat have been uploaded.

God of War,NoobFeed,PS4,Santa Monica,Sony,

As you might expect God of War's combat is different from past entries, with Kratos now armed with a Levithan Axe and Shield instead of his Blades of Chaos and fighting alongside his son Atreus.

The first 2 videos show how combat within God of War works with Director Cory Barlog and Lead Gameplay Designer Jason McDonald providing commentary on the new gameplay footage. In the first video, McDonald explains that they wanted to capture the strength and power of Kratos in the previous games but with a unique take on it. Barlog adds to this stated they didn't want to make an open world or mimic the combat found in Dark Souls.

The second video is much more in-depth and comes from PlayStation Underground, showcasing much of the first video.

God of War launches on April 20th for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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