EA Play 2018 Press Conference Date and Time Revealed

EA Play 2018 press conference coming this June 9th

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 10, 2018

Back in February, EA confirmed that EA Play would be returning this year from June 9th to June 11th. The event will include titles such as Anthem and the upcoming Battlefield. However now the publisher has announced when its press conference will be.

EA Play,NoobFeed,

EA will host its press conference at The Hollywood Palladium and live streaming it across multiple sites on June 9th at 11 AM PT. EA hasn't stated what they plan to show but it's likely more on Anthem, the next Battlefield reveal, and new information on their EA Sports division.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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