Monster Hunter: World - How to Start The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

How to find Geralt of Rivia

 by Grayshadow on  Feb 08, 2019

Monster Hunter: World'latest collaboration event stars no other than The Witcher's Geralt of Rivia. Thrown through a portal and into Capcom's world here's how to start the questline for the legendary Witcher.

Monster Hunter World,The Witcher 3,NoobFeed,Capcom,CD Projekt RED,

The quest starts at the main HUB world, speak to the Third Fleet Felyne located at the main entrance, it'll have a large blue question mark. Afterward, head to the Research Base and downstairs to trigger Geralt's arrival.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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