Layers of Fear 2 | Building a Rocket Puzzle

How to build a rocket in Layers of Fear 2

 by Grayshadow on  May 28, 2019

Layers of Fear 2 has a bunch of references from older films, such as the classic The Trip to the Moon. Here's how to build the rocket to see the classic scene.

Layers of Fear 2,NoobFeed,Bloomer,Gunfire Media,

The puzzle is mandatory, so you'll find it regardless.

During Act 3 Bloody Roots the player will reach a room with a prebuilt rocket with 3 missing parts. The first can be found at the base of the rocket, one in the fireplace behind the desk, and the last on the left side of the entrance when leaving. Next, plug the plug into the electrical socket. It can be found at the base of the desk and the plug on the wall below the button, next to the rocket.

Now you're ready for the moon. Just remember to avoid any asteroids.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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