Luigi's Mansion 3 Boss Guide How to Defeat Johnny Deepend
Defeat the fitness buff Johnny Deepend in his own environment
by Grayshadow on Nov 04, 2019
One of the easier bosses in the game is Johnny Deepend. However, you don't know how to defeat him it can become a frustrating battle of trial and error. He's how to defeat the Johnny.
First off, you need to get Gooigi to the valve at the other end of the pool. But, Johnny won't allow this and will spray water when you get too close.
Wait for Johnny to charge up a throw. During this suck up a ball and hurl it at Johnny. This will stun him and allow Gooigi to get to the other end, but don't be cocky. Get behind the pillar before Johnny can wake up.
Perform the same tactic again. Bait Johnny, he'll constantly look worried and divide his attention between Luigi and Gooigi. Keep hurling balls until you get the opportunity to stun him. Once done, turn the valve by blowing air on it.
When the pool is drained head down as Luigi, the water will dissolve Gooigi. Use a ball to stun Johnny then suck up his glasses. Afterward, flash him and suck him up.
Luigi's Mansion 3 is now available for Nintendo Switch.
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