Song of the Deep has one of the best and captivating stories I’ve seen in a while. Set in an extravagant undersea world Song of the Deep’s story is full of danger, wonder, and hope. However Song of the Deep isn’t a book, it’s a game and the gamep...
Song of the Deep has one of the best and captivating stories I’ve seen in a while. Set in an extravagant undersea world Song of the Deep’s story is full of da
Song of the Deep is a wonderful underwater tale where a young girl named Merryn attempts to save her father. However not a lot of us have the time to play through the entire game,
Need help exploring the vast undersea map of Song of the Deep? Well we've crafted a series of guides to aid you in your journey, showing where all the hidden gadgets are and ho
Today at PAX South I was able to talk, for a few minutes, and Insomniac’s new game Song of the Deep. This brand new game from the creators of Spyro the Dragon, Rachet and Cla