Originally named Secret Legend, TUNIC was developed by only one person: Andrew Shouldice. As a full-time employee at Silverback Productions (the studio that made games like Empress of the Deep and Mr Jones’ Graveyard Shift), TUNIC was his weekend study. It was his...
Originally named Secret Legend, TUNIC was developed by only one person: Andrew Shouldice. As a full-time employee at Silverback Productions (the studio that made games like Em
Platform(s): | Xbox One, XBSX, PS5, PS4, Switch, PC |
Publisher(s): | Finji |
Developer(s): | Andrew Shouldice, TUNIC Team, 22nd Century Toys LLC, Isometricorp Games Limited |
Genres: | Action, Adventure |
Themes: | Open World |
Release Date: | 2022-03-16 |
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