Aliens Have Invaded Dying Light
Dying Light gets new weapons and skins
News by Grayshadow on Aug 19, 2021
Dying Light has new content available today. Low Gravity brings alien invaders with new weapons and skins.
During the event, Heroes of Harran can:
Jump higher
Fall much slower
Take less damage from falling
Use a grappling hook to quickly zip toward a target
The infected have been exposed to unknown cosmic forces, resulting in no fall damage but slower descent but allowing the player to launch them higher. Players can engage in special rewards through challenges to unlock new items.
A brand new pack called Astronaut will include new weapons and skins for the player.
Laser rifle - The V-23 Eraser - with laser ammo and a chance to burn enemies
Stasis pistol - The V-40 Suspender - puts enemies in stasis with the last shell in every magazine
Machete - The V-27 Shifter - changes its effect after several consecutive hits
Outfit - The V-9 Defender Suit - grants fall damage reduction
Buggy skin - The V-39 Star Rover
The Astronaut pack is available for purchase starting from $2.99 on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
Subscriber, NoobFeed
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