Overwatch's Jesse McCree New Name is Cole Cassidy
Jesse McCree is now Cole Cassidy
News by Grayshadow on Oct 23, 2021
Since the recent waves of sexual allegations, Activision Blizzard has been changing the names of characters based on those being accused of popular Blizzard Entertainment games. One of those characters was Jesse McCree who is now named Cole Cassidy.
This wasn't a small change as all voice lines had to be altered for this new name.
The name has been well-received by mostly everyone but it still doesn't resolve the many issues Blizzard Entertainment is facing. On top of the sexual allegations, the company's quality has taken a huge spiral downward. Warcraft 3: Reforged was one of the most infamous game releases in gaming and Diablo 2: Resurrection has its own share of technical problems. Not to mention top Blizzard employees have left the company and Overwatch 2 without a solid release date.
But I guess the game of Jesse McCree is something.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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