The Wolf Among Us 2 Has Been Delayed

Telltale Games has decided that The Wolf Among Us 2 will be delayed at least in to 2024 to stop potential burnout and crunch.

News by LCLupus on  Mar 03, 2023

Telltale Games disappeared for some time after the big losses it suffered in the wake of weakening returns on its episodic narrative-focused games. The company was ultimately bought up by another and seemingly vanished, but then it re-emerged in 2020 with a game announcement. That announcement was for The Wolf Among Us 2. However, that game has now been delayed into 2024 at the soonest.

The Wolf Among Us 2, Telltale Games, Jamie Ottilie, IGN, Burnout, Crunch, NoobFeed, Latest, News

The newly reformed Telltale Games has decided that it would be far better to avoid crunch and burnout, so it would be better to delay the much-anticipated follow-up to the fantastic original Wolf Among Us game from 2013. This news was announced in an interview that IGN did with the CEO of Telltale Games, Jamie Ottilie.

In this interview, he spoke about how the central concerns are the avoidance of crunch and burnout, as already stated, but that there are other factors too. The Covid-19 pandemic affected many companies, and Telltale Games was one of them. It didn’t much help matters that they properly started development when the pandemic was young.

However, in addition to this, Ottilie explained that the game was moving from the Unreal Engine 4 to the Unreal Engine 5 because of a few benefits that the artists and engineers considered. So, this transition has necessitated the redoing of a few things. And this kind of redoing of prior development can often exist alongside heavy crunch, but Ottilie stated the quite damning statement that “as an industry, we're terrible about it. We burn our people out. We burn our best people out faster.”

So, at least the new Wolf Among Us game is not being developed with crunch being an integral aspect of the process. Furthermore, this sequel will be episodic like the others but, unlike the other Telltale products, it will be made in one go and released on a staggered schedule. This should mean no delays between episodes once they get going. Let’s hope that is the case!

Justin van Huyssteen (@LC_Lupus)
Senior Editor, NoobFeed

Justin Van Huyssteen

Contributor, NoobFeed

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