Best Buy Cancelling Limited Edition Majora's Mask New Nintendo 3DS Orders

Demand for the Limited Edition Majora's Mask New Nintendo 3DS exceeds supply, Best Buy forced to cancel orders

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 24, 2015

Best Buy is contacting a number of consumers about their pre-orders for the limited edition Majora’s Mask 3DS tonight via e-mail stating that pre-orders have “exceeded the quantities made available to Best Buy”.

Best Buy,Noobfeed,Nintendo 3DS XL,Majora Mask,

The limited edition Majora's Mask New Nintendo 3DS, which has been in limited supply since it was revealed in the last Nintendo Direct, released with popular acclaim. When it went up on sale various retailers sold out of the New 3DS model by the end of the day with consumers seeking other sellers to obtain the rare device. Apparently Best Buy sold more than they could supply and now the retailer has been contacting consumers to inform about about their canceled order. 

Best Buy is offering those effecting by this with a $50 discount for other models of the New Nintendo 3DS XL in both Black and Red.

Since it was announced The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL has been in high demand by consumers. Now with various retailers listing the popular handheld has "Unavailable" the system is currently being sold by third-parties for over double the asking price. This has forced a lot of consumers to rate the system with 1 star because of the prices. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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