Two New Characters Coming to Hyrule Warriors

Two powerful new characters coming to Hyrule Warriors this March

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 28, 2015

Nintendo has let us played many characters in the popular Hyrule Warriors, everything from Tingle to the Link himself and Nintendo is releasing more characters. Players will finally take control of a giant Cucco, one of the deadliest enemies in The Legend of Zelda series.

Hyrule Warriors,The Legend of Zelda,Noobfeed,Cucco,Chicken,

Called the Boss Pack, and releasing on March 12, players will have the chance to control not only Ganon but a giant chicken. Out of the two I’m sure I’d rather fight Ganon than that horrible monstrosity. 

Hyrule Warriors released exclusively on the Wii U in 2014 with positive results. Both critics and gamers alike praised the hack and slash action game for use of The Legend of Zelda franchise within a Dynasty Warriors styled game. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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