New Details About Mass Effect: Andromeda Revealed

BioWare reveals new information about the next Mass Effect game

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 17, 2015

BioWare has shared new information regarding Mass Effect: Andromeda, specifically combat and the story. However don’t expect any gameplay soon as the developer has confirmed that footage showcasing combat won’t appear for sometime.

Mass Effect Andromeda,Mass Effect 4,EA,BioWare,

Development director, Chris Wynn, responsed to a fan on Twitter stating “There are some new elements that make it more dynamics, but overall similar feel”.

Wynn has already confirmed that familiar faces from the franchise will not appear in Mass Effect: Andromeda, with Commander Shepard having no part to play in the game. So don’t expect another cameo like Hawke made in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

As for minor characters Wynn touched on this quarry stating “given that we haven’t added every single character to the Andromeda build yet, can’t really answer this one yet”. Perhaps we’ll see Conrad Verner make a return or maybe the Leviathans?

Currently Mass Effect: Andromeda is set for a Fall 2016 release on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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