Microsoft Officially Kills the Kinect

The Xbox One's most hated, previously, mandatory device is now history

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 26, 2017

When the Kinect debuted back in 2010 it was met with mixed reviews, with many citing its creation to be in response to Nintendo's widely popular Wii console.


Then in 2013, Microsoft attempted to force the new version, Kinect 2.0., on gamers by bundling the device with all Xbox One consoles. Microsoft would offer consoles without the Kinect 2.0 and eventually completely stop speaking about the Kinect 2.0. altogether. Now manufacturing the device has completely stopped. 

Alex Kipman, creator of the Kinect, and Matthew Lapsen, GM of Xbox Devices Marketing, confirmed the news in an interview with fastcodesign. According to the interview, Kipman explained that the Kinect's falling out was largely due to Sony's marketing for the PS4 and slogan "gamers first". This coupled with the $100 lower price made it the better system for a majority forcing Microsoft to unbundle the Kinect and being mandatory.

“When we introduced Xbox One, we designed it to have the best experience with the Kinect. That was our goal with the Xbox One launch,” says Lapsen. “And like all product launches, you monitor that over time, you learn and adjust.” Levin explained that researchers, like himself, loved the Kinect for providing new avenues for technological advancement. 

Since its debut, the Xbox One marketing campaign has changed to mimic Sony's initial approach. With Microsoft claiming that their next console, the Xbox One X, is the "World's Most Powerful Console" and focusing on games instead of the system being an entertainment box.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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