New Pikachu Themed New 2DS Coming West Later This Month

Another 2DS model coming soon

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 13, 2018


Since the release of the Nintendo DS and its future models, Nintendo has revealed an insane amount of special edition consoles and with the announcement of Detective Pikachu, another one is coming.

2DS Pikachu 2018,Nintendo,

The new 2DS features Pikachu's face on the top half with the side colored in the Pokemon's brown hue. When opened the device will feature Pikachu's yellow hue on the bottom half and black on the top. It'll release on January 26th for $159.99 and a 3DS option will not be available.

2DS Pikachu 2018,Nintendo,

2DS Pikachu 2018,Nintendo,

Unlike the 3DS the 2DS is cheaper and does not feature the 3D function of the console.

Detective Pikachu will launch on March 23nd for 3DS.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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