Ninja is the biggest streamer on Twitch, being the first person to hit 10 million subscribers on the website. During the weekend an article was published by Polygon regarding his stance with streaming with women. Ninja explained that he doesn't want to stream with a woman since negative rumors could spread that could impact his marriage. After a weekend of flamewars between those arguing against and for Ninja the streamer decided to release an official statement on Twitter.
In the statement, Ninja wrote:
"I wanted to take a moment to address the discussion around the article that came out over the weekend. While I understand some people have implied my view mean I have something against playing with women, I want to make clear the issue I'm addressing is online harassment, and my attempt to minimize it from our life. It is something that affects all streamers, especially ones that make their relationships public. I wanted to bring attention to this issue and my comments should not be characterized as anything beyond that.
Having celebrated my one year anniversary, my wife and my family will always be the most important thing to me and I am doing my best to protect them.
We are fans of all kind of streamers and gamers - curvyllama, juliatv, and halieatisuto are a few of our favorites and we encourage others to check out their channels. I look forward to the opportunity to meet and play with all kinds of Fortnite players in future tournaments and events.
- Tyler
Tyler's words do hold a lot of merit as streamers, especially public figures, do gain a lot of negative backlash from specific people. Some going as far as harassed people in real life, one of the most notorious and dangerous means being swatting where Andrew Finch died from such an act in December 2017.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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