Fire Emblem: Three Houses Delayed

Fire Emblem: Three Houses coming this July instead

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 14, 2019

New Fire Emblem: Three Houses was promised during the Nintendo Direct, unfortunately, it was bad news. Confirming that the title has been delayed to July.

Fire Emblem,NoobFeed,

Fire Emblem: Three Houses gets its name from the three houses of the land of Fódlan. The Adrestian Empire lies to the south, the Kingdom of Faerghus is in the north, and the Leicester Alliance is to the east where you teach one of the three houses at the Officer’s Academy– the Blue Lions (Kingdom of Faerghus), the Golden Deer (Leicester Alliance), or the Black Eagles (Adrestian Empire). The students will participate in battles and skirmishes as homework, under your guidance.

Fire Emblem Three Houses will launch this July 26th for Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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