Wolfenstein: Youngblood Releasing in 4 Months for PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One
Wolfenstein: Youngblood releasing during the summer drought
News by Grayshadow on Mar 28, 2019
The summer drought is one of the worst seasons of gaming, however, this summer we are getting a huge release. Bethesda and MachineGames have confirmed that Wolfenstein: Youngblood will release on PS4, PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch this July 26th.
In celebration, a new trailer was released highlighting the narrative of the game.
This is a sequel to Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus and stars BJ Blazkowicz's twin daughters as they attempt to push the Nazis out of Paris.
Welcome to the 1980s. BJ Blazkowicz is missing. His last-known whereabouts: Nazi-occupied Paris. The only ones who can find him are his twin daughters, Jess and Soph Blazkowicz—and no Nazi scum are gonna stand in their way.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood is scheduled to release on July 26, 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One. Those who pre-order the game will receive the Legacy pack that unlocks outfits and weapons used by BJ Blazkowicz, including New Colossus Jacket power suit skin; BJ's U.S. Army power suit skin; Old Blood Pipe; Old Blood Knife; WW2 Weapon Skin Set, for all ranged weapons
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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