Overwatch Summer Games 2019 Trailer Features New Skins

New skins for Hammond and Genji confirmed for this year's Summer Games

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 16, 2019

Overwatch Summer Games 2019 was already confirmed, along with the confirmation of a new male hero coming this summer. Today, Blizzard released a new trailer showcasing some of the new cosmetics being offered.

Overwatch Summer Games 2019,NoobFeed,Overwatch,2019

The new skins shown include Hammond and Genji along with weekly unlocks to keep players coming back. And Lucioball will return in both ranked and unranked.

Amp it up with Lúcioball and compete in new weekly challenges for limited-time rewards—including American Reaper, Zhongguo Mei, and Bundesadler Reinhardt. Unlock hot seasonal items, like Surf 'n' Splash Torbjorn, alongside the growing collection of summer gear from previous years.

Overwatch is now available for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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